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We are a glorious church, through the Grace of God which embodies a beloved community of hope made up of peoples from many nations, who are building up a healthy body of Christ, with heart warmed and open hands.  United Methodist in Mission for the transformation of our community and the world.


We are a committed Christian Community United Methodist, who are geared up to spreading the Gospel and Jesus Christ by sharing Christ like Love with all people ministering to the Spiritual, Physical and Social needs of our church family, community and the world through Working, Witness, Fellowship and Outreach for the transformation of the world.



I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth! " Go to  people of all nations and make them my disciples,  Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you.  I will be  with you always, even until the end of the world." Matt.28:18-20 (CEV) .

Rev. Morais G. Quissico


Rev. Quissico was the pastor of Epworth UMC in the Bronx from February 2013 through early 2019.  He was then  appointed to St. Mark's UMC, Brooklyn - Effective Monday, July 1, 2019.

Currently he is the chair of the New York Conference Connectional Ministries Vision Table (CMVT), president of the Clergy Coalition for the New York Police Department’s 44th Precinct and vice-president of the Bronx Cluster of the UMCs.


Quissico also chaired the Metropolitan District Council on Ministries and served as a member of the Northeastern Jurisdiction’s Global Structuring Task Force.


Rev. Quissico started his pastoral ministry in January of 1993 in Mozambique, where he served three local UMCs.

He was ordained an elder in December of 1994 by the Mozambique South Annual Conference.

For 26 years God has used Quissico in life-transforming ministries for the church and society at large, worldwide.


His ministry record includes five years as disaster relief coordinator for UMCOR in Mozambique and seven years as Global Ministries (GBGM) Executive Secretary for Africa, in New York. Quissico is fluent in nine languages.


He serves as language interpreter/translator for the UMC General Conferences, Central Conferences and other denominational events worldwide.

The most precious gift in Quissico’s life is his wife Fatima, son Helton and daughter Vania.


​One of his favorite Scripture verses is Philippians 4:13:  "I can do all things through [Christ] who strengthens me."



Thanks for taking the time to visit our web site. Hopefully you will get a sense of the heart, life and passion of  St. Mark's United Methodist Church.  Our wish is that as you read about us you will be inspired by our  ministries.

Our hope is that you will allow us to personally welcome you as our guest. If you are seeking a church home, allow our wonderful church family to  meet you and encourage you in your spiritual journey. 


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